In the ACTIONS column of the NUMBERS section, there are now links for shared and dedicated numbers.


Messages that have been initiated at the phone and are not a response to an outbound campaign are referred to as Mobile Originating (MO) messages.

MO messaging is not possible with shared numbers so we have Reply Options. There is only one setting available here and that is the reply email address.

This is the default email address that when a recipient of any outbound message replies, the reply will go to this email.

To unlock the more advanced reply options, you will need a dedicated virtual mobile number.


With a dedicated number or shortcode you can now process MO messages directly without the need for a catch all keyword. The options set at the number are used to process mobile originating messages and also are the default for outbound responses for Campaigns and Quick SMS. Campaigns and Quick SMS can also be overridden and saved within each workflow.

The options available for inbound message processing are identical to what are on keyword campaigns. This creates more flexibility for generic incoming messages.